Wednesday 4 April 2012

Old Friend, Old Flame... (03.04.12)

     If you asked me about my day today, I'd probably answer it with a smile. Not probably, but definitely. Why? Simply put, I AM VERY HAPPY TODAY. That is for certain. Why am I happy? Well, that is because I met an old friend of mine earlier.
     For the past few weeks, I've been faced with so many problems, dilemmas and tons of bullshit. Yet, I managed to control and cope. Well, no most of the time though. I still can lose my temper when lines are crossed. Well, what can I say? I'm only human. Earlier in the morning, during art class, I was nearly pissed because the lecturer stated that some parts of my assignments needed some adjustment. Well, who wouldn't be pissed, when they spent hours, days and weeks breaking their fucking heads doing research and shit, so that the assignment is completed. Yet, the system still knows how to get you.
     Well, that was the bad side of my day, the best part is yet to come. The morning sessions has ended and I headed to the library to continue my assignments. I managed to catch up with some of my buddies outside of the campus. Upon returning to campus grounds, I was walking around the small park-like area of the school, there I saw some one standing near the school offices. As I took another glance, I finally realized that it was an old friend of mine! I was shocked to see her!
     She looked at me, with those eyes and that smile that I haven't seen a very long time. She called out my name (hard to believe she still remembers me), and I (trying not to be rude) went to greet her. My heart was beating like fucking crazy! She told me she was there to get a few documents. We had a nice little chat which only lasted for like a few seconds or so, before I smiled my last smile, giving my last advice (it might of sounded a little cynical yet caring), turned around and walked away. And that was pretty much it. It may not sound special, but it is very special for me.
     She was the girl that I've been in love with all these years, 6 or so years now to be exact. I was really quite shocked to see her there. Ahhh, all those memories that had happened during our school years, I'll never forget. How she looked, how she acts, just... unforgettable.
     She looked quite well too nowadays. Her skin seems fairer, yet she still has the same smile she's had ever since I first met her back in 2006. How lovely her smiles were back then, and apparently they still are! When we having our little chit chat, she still talked in a very sweet, innocent tone like she used to. Oh, how sweet! Maybe that's why I've fallen in love with her before, because of her innocence. I guess I'm a sucker for that.
     As I was talking to her, I felt so light, as if all my problems earlier had completely disappeared into thin air! It felt great! That was exactly what I needed, a little pick-me-up. She definitely lightened up my day and put a huge smile (if not a huge-ass grin) on my face!
     But alas, she already belongs to some one else, I know, and I'm okay with it. Truly, I am. Sure, she's been around with a lot of guys in the past (two of them happens to be among my closest friends, though I'm still in a deadlock conflict with one of them), but it doesn't really matter to me at all. As long as she's been a good friend to me all this time, then I'm happy. And of course, she really has been a very good friend to me throughout the years, and I'm very thankful and blessed for that. If she is happy with her new guy, then I'm happy for both of them. It's all about being fair and mature. It's all a part of growing up, and I'm definitely happy with that.
     In the end, I didn't look back at her because I know, she'll always be around, and I'll also be around too. Even though she doesn't love me, or has ever loved me, I will always love her and will be there as a true and good friend. So, thank you, old friend... Thank you for lightening up my day when I needed it the most... Thank you for still remembering me... And thank you for always being a very good friend to me, I truly appreciate it... Until then, I hope our paths cross again in the future...

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